Our experienced people will allways assist you on the best way.
No matter where you are in the country, we provide local insight and short response time.
Mail: info@maxpartner.dk Telephone: +45 61 61 16 72
Telephone openinghours0: Monday - thursday: 07.00 - 16.00 / Friday: 07.00 - 15.30

Market Manager
Mads Koch Haue
Mobile. +45 2810 7163

Service Support & Partner
Christian Halborg
Mobile. 44 22 20 04

Benjamin Riis Nielsen
Mobile. 61 61 70 25

Support technician & mashine control
Flemming Pedersen
Mobile. 44 22 20 04

Support technician
Emil Falk Agerbo Schroll
Mobile. 44 22 20 04

Sales Coordinator
Anna Gro Hostrup Tierce
Mob. 91 89 88 32

Jeppe Riberholt Pedersen
Mobile. 93 63 26 10

Sales- & Equipment Manager
Morten Song-Schou
Mobile. 54 34 98 40
Find a local office near you, and visit us for more information.
We are accessable in all of Denmark, you are always welcome to contact us in a office near you. Our Offices have showrooms with our productline and professional guidance
We also offer courses, demonstrations and workshops at our facilities
(NB! Remember to book us for showings regarding visits to our Offices at Aarhus, Odense and Vejle - we will always be open to come to the buildingsite or your Offices for demonstrations)